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It's finally done, the Klyde Warren Park in downtown Dallas.
Five-point-two acres of green space over an eight lane highway you don't even realize is there.
Thousands arrived, on Saturday morning to give it a test run including Magan Kuhlenbeck who lives near the park. She brought out her beagle puppy Walter for a walk on the dirt trail.
"It's awesome and it's a wonderful place to take him and it's new," says Kuhlenbeck. "I think it's a good thing for right here."
So does Charles Hamilton, sitting at a table in the sun in the reading and games area. Across from him, his 12-year old grandson. They're playing checkers.
"We're enjoying the benefits of the park right now," says Hamilton. "And hopefully generations to come these kids will be able to enjoy it. Outstanding."
During the dedication ceremony Mayor Mike Rawlings said Dallas is truly trailblazing with this new park. "Our central city was once divided by this major freeway separating our city's core. This project has been a long time making and solidifies our foundation and city core."
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson helped secure $16.7-million in stimulus money to help fund the $110-million park.
She said she's all for cutting budgets, but if the government's spending, she's going to get what she can for Dallas.
The beautiful park will require a lot of people to keep it beautiful. Among them a pretty famous ten-year old, Klyde Warren, the son of Kelcy Warren who helped fund the park.
"I'll be cleaning up trash and walking around making sure every thing's okay," said the 4th grader after the dedication ceremony.
He also said he's looking forward to enjoying the park like everyone else.
It features a separate kids park, a dog park, ping pong tables and a five-hole putting green. A restaurant will go in next summer.
For more on the park and it's activities check out